رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
الأول أبدأ بذكر الله وأصّلي على الــــرسول
في منتداكم هذا كل عام نلتقي مثل الـــخيول
فيه الحوار فيه النقاش فيه السؤال والــحلول
فيه التنافس و التحدي والصمود مثل السيول
في كل يوم التقي عضو جديد يقول مرسول
وارد اقول يا مرحبا بكم على مر الــفصول
حيالله من جانا من بعيد المدى حولنا يجول
تفضل تعلم بين اخوانك اعضاءنا الـــشبول
الله يحييكم في منتدانا للرياضيات كلنا نقول
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي و البحث التربوي، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد/جرادي سلطان/........ زملائهم
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
الأول أبدأ بذكر الله وأصّلي على الــــرسول
في منتداكم هذا كل عام نلتقي مثل الـــخيول
فيه الحوار فيه النقاش فيه السؤال والــحلول
فيه التنافس و التحدي والصمود مثل السيول
في كل يوم التقي عضو جديد يقول مرسول
وارد اقول يا مرحبا بكم على مر الــفصول
حيالله من جانا من بعيد المدى حولنا يجول
تفضل تعلم بين اخوانك اعضاءنا الـــشبول
الله يحييكم في منتدانا للرياضيات كلنا نقول
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي و البحث التربوي، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد/جرادي سلطان/........ زملائهم
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما

رياضيات لجميع مستويات التعليم الثانوي و بحوث متنوعة
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيلالقرآندخول


 إعجاز جديد: هيكلك العظمي على هيئة محمد (صورة)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الاستاذ:دامين مالك

الاستاذ:دامين مالك

عدد الرسائل : 6285
العمر : 57
الموقع : استاذ بثانوية مولود قاسم نايت بلقالسم دائرة الدحموني ولاية تيارت14100
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/08/2007

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مُساهمةموضوع: إعجاز جديد: هيكلك العظمي على هيئة محمد (صورة)   إعجاز جديد: هيكلك العظمي على هيئة محمد (صورة) I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 02 يونيو 2009, 6:50 pm

سبحان الله هذه الصورة تبين بما لا يدعو إلى الشك عظمة الخالق، أجسادنا
تشهد بنبوة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
للمزيد من الصور العجيبة التي تشهد بوحدانية الله يرجى زيارة هذا الرابط:


ولا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم
Malignant mesothelioma

is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells are found in the pleura (the thin layer of tissue that lines the chest cavity and covers the lungs) or the peritoneum (the thin layer of tissue that lines the abdomen and covers most of the organs in the abdomen).

Mesothelioma Lawyers in Charleston, West Virginia

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?

The method of treatment for mesothelioma primarily depends on the location and stage of the cancer. The patient's age and state of health are also major considerations. Some standard treatments for mesothelioma include surgical removal, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. While treatment may prove effective in relieving some of the symptoms of mesothelioma, there is no cure. Mesothelioma patients may opt to participate in clinical trials, which seek to find new ways to combat this deadly disease.

Why Would I Need a Mesothelioma Attorney?

The sad fact is that many people suspected there was a link between asbestos exposure and lung disease long before preventative measures were put in place. Many businesses made little or no effort to protect workers from breathing in asbestos particles. Meanwhile, these corporations were profiting at the expense of their laborers' health. In recent years, it has been revealed that many companies were aware of the hazards their former workers were exposed to. Yet many of these same companies continue to deny medical claims from former employees who suffer from asbestos-related illnesses.

Mesothelioma is a terrible disease that leaves little hope for the future of its victims. Don't let your loved ones suffer with financial uncertainty. A mesothelioma lawyer understands the precedent for asbestos-related cases, and can recommend the best course of legal action.

To learn more about your legal options, trust a West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer from James F. Humphreys & Associates in Charleston.

A West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer can help victims of asbestos exposure pursue legal action. A mesothelioma attorney with James F. Humphreys & Associates in Charleston can help you recover compensation to secure your financial future.

What is Asbestos ?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that has been used in more than 3,000 different construction materials and manufactured products. It is commonly found in heating system insulation, decorative spray-on ceiling treatments, vinyl flooring, cement shake siding and a variety of additional materials. Some asbestos-containing materials were still being installed into the late 1980s.

All types of asbestos tend to break into very tiny fibers. These individual fibers are so small that many must be identified using a microscope. In fact, some individual fibers may be up to 700 times smaller than a human hair. Because asbestos fibers are so small, once released into the air, they may stay suspended there for hours or even days.

Asbestos fibers are also virtually indestructible. They are resistant to chemicals and heat, and they are very stable in the environment. They do not evaporate into air or dissolve in water, and they are not broken down over time. Asbestos is probably the best insulator known to man.

Usually asbestos is mixed with other materials to actually form the products. Floor tiles, for example, may contain only a small percentage of asbestos.The asbestos content of different materials varies according to the product and how it is used. Among those materials with higher concentrations of asbestos are insulation products on heating systems and the backing on sheet vinyl flooring. However, an uncontrolled disturbance of any asbestos-containing material in any concentration may be dangerous to your health!

source : http://www.bcaa.net/resfaq401.htm
How does asbestos cause peritoneal mesothelioma?

Although there's no definitive explanation, it is widely believed that asbestos causes peritoneal mesothelioma in one of two ways. First, asbestos fibers may be ingested, and when in the intestinal tract, the fibers may work themselves into the peritoneal cavity and peritoneum. Second, they may be inhaled and transported through the lymph node system to the peritoneal cavity.

Symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma
Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the lining of the lung, known as the pleura) may include, but are not limited to, the following:

shortness of breath (dyspnea) - hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and/or coughing up of blood.

pleural effusion - a build up of too much fluid between the pleura (linings of the lungs and chest); a pleural effusion may cause chest pain and difficulty breathing (dyspnea), however, many cause no symptoms and are first discovered during the physical examination or seen on a chest x-ray.

pain in the chest - may sometimes be felt in upper abdomen, shoulder, or arm.

Patients diagnosed with diffuse pleural mesothelioma exhibited the following symptoms
(source: "Diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura in Ontario and Quebec: a retrospective study of 332 patients." P Ruffie et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology Aug 1 1989: 1157-1168.)

Symptom % exhibiting
Shortness of breath and/or chest pain 90%
Weight loss 29%
Cough, weakness, fever, loss of appetite 3%
Hemoptysis (coughing up blood), hoarseness, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), Horner's syndrome less than 1%
Pleural Effusions 84%
Asymptomatic 3%

Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the abdominal lining which is known as the peritoneum) may include, but are not limited to, the following:

weight loss - but waist may increase in size.

pain or swelling in the abdomen - fluid retention or tumor growth.

bowel obstuction - blockage in the small or large intenstine.

anemia - a reduction in the number of red blood cells to below normal; this forces the heart and other organs to work harder to get oxygen where it's needed.


These symptoms can accompany many other, less serious medical conditions; if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and have been exposed to asbestos, you should see a doctor immediately. Asbestos exposure may have taken place 20, 30, even 50 years prior to symptoms appearing, but is a major risk factor; exposure is reported in between 70-80% of all mesothelioma cases.

Very often, asbestos exposure was second hand through a family member. Clothes dirtied with asbestos dust have carried fibers into homes, affecting spouses and children. Workers handling asbestos are now required to change their clothing before leaving work. If you see your physician because you are experiencing any of the mesothelioma symptoms listed above, please make sure to make them aware for any prior exposure, either first- or second-hand.

cancer terapy, mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma, Pleural Mesathelioma, mesatheloma

Copyright ©️ 2009 Lost in Health. All Rights Reserved
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عدد الرسائل : 2413
الموقع : https://mathlycee.ahlamontada.com
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/01/2008

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/03/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: إعجاز جديد: هيكلك العظمي على هيئة محمد (صورة)   إعجاز جديد: هيكلك العظمي على هيئة محمد (صورة) I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 03 نوفمبر 2009, 7:29 pm

merci beaucoup
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رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما  :: مواد لابد منها للنجاح في البكالوريا

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