رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
الأول أبدأ بذكر الله وأصّلي على الــــرسول
في منتداكم هذا كل عام نلتقي مثل الـــخيول
فيه الحوار فيه النقاش فيه السؤال والــحلول
فيه التنافس و التحدي والصمود مثل السيول
في كل يوم التقي عضو جديد يقول مرسول
وارد اقول يا مرحبا بكم على مر الــفصول
حيالله من جانا من بعيد المدى حولنا يجول
تفضل تعلم بين اخوانك اعضاءنا الـــشبول
الله يحييكم في منتدانا للرياضيات كلنا نقول
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي و البحث التربوي، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد/جرادي سلطان/........ زملائهم
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
الأول أبدأ بذكر الله وأصّلي على الــــرسول
في منتداكم هذا كل عام نلتقي مثل الـــخيول
فيه الحوار فيه النقاش فيه السؤال والــحلول
فيه التنافس و التحدي والصمود مثل السيول
في كل يوم التقي عضو جديد يقول مرسول
وارد اقول يا مرحبا بكم على مر الــفصول
حيالله من جانا من بعيد المدى حولنا يجول
تفضل تعلم بين اخوانك اعضاءنا الـــشبول
الله يحييكم في منتدانا للرياضيات كلنا نقول
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي و البحث التربوي، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد/جرادي سلطان/........ زملائهم
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما

رياضيات لجميع مستويات التعليم الثانوي و بحوث متنوعة
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيلالقرآندخول


 البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد الرسائل : 1757
الموقع : www.mathlycee.ahlamontada.com
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/08/2007

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مُساهمةموضوع: البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008   البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008 I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 02 نوفمبر 2007, 1:19 pm

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008   البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008 I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء 21 نوفمبر 2007, 8:49 pm

PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting (14 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.
The United Nations' children's fund, UNICEF, says 115 million children worldwide are still missing out on an education, most of them girls. 2005 is the year set by the UN to achieve gender equality in primary education.
UNICEF says many countries in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East cannot meet the target of gender equality this year. UNICEF is especially concerned about the situation in west and central Africa, where, it says, emergency measures are now needed to promote primary education. Only five countries out of 24 are set to achieve gender equality there. Conflicts in Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo have done incalculable damage to children's education. In South Asia, UNICEF says, progress has been made but not enough. Forty-two million children across the region don't go to school. Afghanistan and Pakistan have the widest gender gaps. For Pakistan to have the same number of girls as boys in school by 2015, it would have to increase girls' school attendance by over 3 per cent each year.
Moreover in eastern and central Europe there is cause for concern, too. The introduction of fees for tuition, schoolbooks and uniforms has led to rising dropout rates -- and girls drop out sooner than boys. Belarus and Tajikistan will
not achieve gender equality, neither will Turkey. UNICEF says a quantum leap is now needed to achieve universal primary education by 2015. it insists that huge efforts should be made in this field if poverty is to be eradicated by then.
Imogen Foulkes, BBC News, Geneva
1. Circle the choice (a, b and c ) that best completes statements A,C and D.
A. The aim of the passage is to: a) argue a point b) inform c) entertain
B. The text is addressed to: a) children b) the general reader c) specialists
C. The text is: a) letter b) report c) newspaper article

2. Are the following statements true or false? Quote from the text to justify your choice about false ones.
a) There are more girl students than boy students in the world.
b) No more than 19 countries are likely to achieve equality between girls and boys in schools.
c) Education is free in all countries of the world.
d) Education is very important for fighting poverty.

3. Choose the most suitable title for the reading passage.
a) The Importance of Education
b) UNICEF Report on Education
c) The Problem of Education in Africa

4. Find in the text the words whose definitions follow.
a) to succeed in reaching a particular goal or standard (§ 1)
b) very large, too big to measure (§2)
c) to leave school without finishing studies (§3)
d) one thousand years ( 3)


5.Fill in the table with the missing word category

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
………….. education ………….. /////
………….. equality ………….. …………..
to promote ………….. ………….. /////

6.Select the appropriate connector / link word and complete the sentences below according to the text:

because of besides then although

A. Dropout rates in Central and Eastern Europe have risen……………………………..
B. The number of children missing school is very high……………………………

7. Underline the stressed syllable in each word.
Example: achieve
A) nation B) education C) situation D) to increase

8. The sentences below are in jumbled order. Reorder them to have a coherent paragraph:

A - They can also bring out sustainable development.
B - Education should be directed to the strengthening of respect of human rights.
C - These aspects of education can help achieve peace in the world.
D - It ought to promote understanding, tolerance and friendship.


Choose one of the following topics:

Topic 1
A UNICEF representative is visiting your school. Write (hand him) a petition to protest against the abuses against children’s rights in many parts of the world. Do not forget to make suggestions for improving their conditions. (You can use information from the text.)

Topic 2
Respond to the text by writing a letter of opinion to a UNICEF magazine about the problem of the abuses of the rights of the child in the world. Support your opinion with examples and suggest ways to change the situation.


1. A (b) - B (b) C (b)

2. a) F : still missing out on education, most of them, girls
- b ) T
- c F : the introduction of fees for tuition….
-d T


3. b

4. a) achieve -b) incalculable -c) dropout -d) millennium

5. to educate - educational
to equal - equal - equally
promotion - promotional

6. A ……because of the introduction of fees……..
B…….although some progress has been made

7. A. nation B education C) situation D) to increase

8. B - D – C - D


( See writing evaluation grid in the syllabus)
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008   البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008 I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء 21 نوفمبر 2007, 8:51 pm

PART ONE: Reading and interpreting (15 points) Tech/Math
Read the text carefully then do the activities GE

The Nobel Peace Prize has been jointly awarded to Professor Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh and The Grameen Bank he started. The prize was given for their work in lending very small amounts of money to poor people to set up businesses, especially women in the countryside.
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded in Oslo to the Bangladeshi banker Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. Announcing the winner, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said Muhammad Yunus had shown himself to be a leader who had managed to give hope to millions of people. Mister Yunus is the founder of the concept of ‘micro credit’, which is the extension of small loans to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.
The award came as a surprise to many here who had tipped someone involved in peace talks as winner this year. Mr Yunus himself told national Norwegian television he was delighted with the prize soon after the announcement was made. The winner is expected to receive the award and 1.4 million dollars in prize money during a ceremony here in December.

Lars Bevanger, BBC News, Oslo

1. The text is about:
a- Bank management in Bangladesh
b- Nobel Prize for anti-poverty work
Tick the right answer.

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false, according to the text.
a- The Nobel Prize was given to Pr Muhammad Yunus alone.
b- The Nobel Peace Prize announcement was made in Norway
c- ‘Micro credit’ consists in lending money to wealthy entrepreneurs to set up businesses

3. Answer the following questions according to the text
a- What was the Nobel Peace Price awarded for?
b- Why did the award come as a surprise?
c- What will happen in Oslo in December?

4. This text is:
a- a newspaper article
b- a radio news report

5. This text is:
a- descriptive
b- narrative

6. a- Find in the text a word which means : quantities (§1)
b- Find in the text a word whose definition is: money lent to someone (§2)
c- Find in the text an opposite to: unhappy (§3)
d- Write a sentence using only one of the three words you have found in the text.
7. Complete the following table
Winner ……………………………. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Founder ………………………….. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

8. Combine the following statements using the connector given in brackets
Yunus lent money to the poor. They were able to set up businesses. (so that)

9. Ask questions on the underlined word
Mister Yunus is the founder of the concept of ‘micro credit’.

10. Underline the silent letters
- talks / - delighted

11. Underline the content words in the following
The prize was given for their work.

12. This is a conversation between Yunus and a reporter. Imagine what Yunus says
Reporter: Congratulations Mr Yunus! May I ask you some questions ?
Yunus: ………………………………………………..
Reporter: What are your feelings now that you have won the Nobel Peace Prize ?
Yunus: ………………………………………………..
Reporter: How did the idea of lending money to the poor come to you ?
Yunus: ………………………………………………..
Reporter: But lending money to the poor is somehow risky, isn’t it ?
Yunus: ………………………………………………..
Reporter: Thank you, Mr Yunus.

PART TWO (05 points)
Choose one of the following topics
1. Imagine a dialogue in which Pr Yunus explains to a radio reporter how ‘micro credit’ can result in the creation of social conditions for peace.
Explain in particular how the lending of money to poor people can help:
- generate wealth
- create jobs
- prevent criminality
- make people more hopeful….

2. Write a letter to the chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee to propose a candidate for next year’s prize.
Support your proposal by giving a coherent account of the problems she / he has solved for the benefit of humanity.

1. answer ‘b’

2. a) F :
- b ) T
- c F :


3.a- It was awarded for their work in lending money to poor entrepreneurs
b- because many people thought the winner would be someone involved in peace talks
c- In December, the winner will receive the award and 1.4 M dollars

4. answer ‘b’


5. answer ‘b’

6. a- amounts
b- loans
c- delighted

7. peaceful / to win / to found / translation-translator

8. Yunus…. so that they would be able to set…. 0.5

9. Who is the founder of the concept of ‘micro credit?
10. ‘l’ / ‘gh’ 0.5
11. The prize was given for their work 1
12…………………….. 2
( See writing evaluation grid in the syllabus)
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aziz abranis

aziz abranis

عدد الرسائل : 14
العمر : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2009

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thenk you very mach ))))))))))))
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/11/2011

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البكالوريات التجريبية ل2008 Aazb2p2d
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عدد الرسائل : 180
العمر : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/12/2010

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» البكالوريات التجريبية 2008
» البكالوريا التجريبية مع التصحيح
» البكالوريا التجريبية مع التصحيح
» البكالوريا التجريبية مع التصحيح
» البكالوريا التجريبية مع التصحيح

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
رياضيات التعليم الثانوي ، دامين مالك / تويتي محمد........ و زملائهما  :: مواد لابد منها للنجاح في البكالوريا

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